Need for Grievance Redress Mechanism
There is a provision for redress of grievances of (Project Affected Persons) PAPs in all aspects relating to Land Acquisition (LA) and payment of compensation in Rehabilitation Action Plan. Various provision under LA act enable aggrieved Entitled Persons (EPs) at different stages of LA to represent their cases to Land Acquisition Officer or even refer to court for redress and seek higher compensation.
R&R policy of Government of Uttar Pradesh has a provision of Grievance Redress Committee to be headed by District Magistrate of respective districts.
Members of the committee: Apart from District Magistrate as head of the committee at district level, the committee will comprise of representatives of two local NGOs, representative of people (viz., Member of Parliament, Member of Legislative Assembly, etc), representatives of blocks, districts, line departments & affected persons. At central level, Project Director of Project Implementation Unit will head the committee.
Meetings and decision-making process of the committee: Grievance cell shall meet regularly (at least once a month) on a pre-fixed date (preferably on 7th day of the month). The committee will fix responsibilities to implement the decisions of the committee. This will not only help proper assessment of the window washing in Ohio but also window squeegee with long handle. The committee shall deliver its decision within a month of the case registration. The Divisional Commissioner of the area shall hear appeal against the decision of the grievance redress committee.
Functions of the Committee
The functions of the grievance committee shall be
- To provide support for the EPs on problems arising out LA/property acquisition
- To record the grievances of the EPs, categories and prioritise and solve them within a month.
- To inform PWD of serious cases within an appropriate time frame
- To report to the aggrieved parties about the developments regarding their grievance & decision of PWD.
- To prioritise cases based on following criteria:
- cases pertaining to the land and structures of displaced persons
- cases pertaining to the land and structures of adversely affected PAPs
- cases pertaining to the land and structures of partially affected PAPs
The Grievance Redressal Committee for phase I roads will be in place by March 2015.
Integrated Grievance redress Mechanism
An Integrated Grievance Redress Mechanism (IGRM) will be established at the head quarter level that will register user complaints using combination of various mediums (e.g. a dedicated toll free phone line, web based complaints, written complaints in feedback register and open public days) and address them in a time bound system. The project will appoint a grievance redressal or Public Relation officer solely responsible for handling phone and web based complaints. The person will be for directing the aggrieved person to the concerned official through e-mail. The website of PWD will have the name and number of social development officer; the toll free number and also the website address. NGO staff will be responsible for assisting illiterate and other vulnerable PAPs in registering their grievances.