Project Details

  • Program was formally approved by the Cabinet in July 2015
  • AES (Administrative and Executive Sanction) for all four packages has been issued.
  • Independent Review of submitted EIA and RAP completed.
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for Phase 1 Roads has been completed and final report submitted by PMC.
  • Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) for Phase 1 Roads has been completed and final report submitted by PMC
  • DPR for Phase 1 Roads has been finalized and final report submitted by the PMC.
  • Egis India Consulting Engineers Private Ltd was awarded the contract for Project Management Consultancy (PMC) for current program on 08 Aug 2014.
Sr. No. Project Name Contract Package Length (Km) Date Of Agreement Completion Period
Construction Maintenance
1 Up-gradation and Maintenance of Garautha-Chirgaon Section of SH-42 from Km 118.600 to Km 167.745 NCB No. UPCRNDP/UPG/02/2014 49.145 05-01-2017 24 month 5 years
2 Engineering Procurement and Construction Contract for Up-gradation and Maintenance of Hamirpur-Rath section of SH-42 from Km 2.065 to Km74.255 ICB No. UPCRNDP/UPG/01/2018 72.190 19-06-2019 730 days 1826 days
3 Engineering Procurement and Construction Contract for Up-gradation and Maintenance of Gola-Shahjahanpur section of SH-93 from Km 1.280 to Km 58.580 ICB No. UPCRNDP/UPG/03/2018 57.300 26-06-2019 730 days 1826 days
4 Engineering Procurement and Construction Contract for Up-gradation and Maintenance of Badaun-Bilsi-Bijnaour section of SH-51 from Km 58.400 to Km 137.820 ICB No. UPCRNDP/UPG/04/2018 79.420 05-07-2019 730 days 1826 days
Total Project Length (In Km) 258.055
  • The details of Contract for the above packages are given in tables given below:
Package No. Category From To Length (km) Name of the Contractor Contract Amount (Cr.) Construction Period (Month) Commencement Date
UPG-02 SH-42 Garautha (km118+600) Chirgaon (km167+745) 49.145 M/s NKC Projects Pvt. Ltd. 189.99 24 15-01-2018
UPG-01 SH-42 Hamirpur (km2+065) Rath (km74+255) 72.190 M/s GHV (India) Pvt. Ltd. 262.39 24 25-06-2019
UPG-03 SH-93 Gola (km1+280) Shahjahanpur (km58+580) 57.300 M/s APCO Infratech Pvt. Ltd. 356.90 24 11-11-2019
UPG-04 SH-51 Badaun (km58+400) Bijnaour (km137+820) 79.420 M/s Gawar Construction Ltd. 334.00 24 04-11-2019
Total Length (on-going Contracts) 258.055 Km
  • Physical Progress
Hamirpur Rath 75.5% 68.2% 64.1% 49.145 63.7% 48.3% 31.5%
Garautha Chirgaon 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 72.190 100.0%
Gola Shahjahanpur 60.0% 57.3% 30.4% 57.300 0.0%
Badaun Bilsi 49.1% 48.2% 37.9% 79.420 0.0%
  • Structure Progress
Package Box Culvert Slab Culvert Pipe Culvert Minor Bridge Major Bridge
Hamirpur Rath 63.2% 97.1% 80.0%
Garautha Chirgaon 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
Gola Shahjahanpur 76.2% 94.1% 0.0% 15.0%
Badaun Bilsi 63.6% 16.7% 66.7% 0.0%
  • Financial Progress
Package Cost (Crore) Expenditure (Crore) Percentage Progress
Hamirpur Rath 262 128 49%
Garautha Chirgaon 190 166 87%
Gola Shahjahanpur 357 89 25%
Badaun Bilsi 334 96 29%

Note:Data upto September 2020 as per record.